Title of book: Lecture Notes on Communication networks

Details about the book

We live in a world of networking. The ongoing process of network convergence is taking place. However, the basics of communication networks remain the same. The promise is to bring “anytime, anything, anyone, anywhere” connectivity. The social consequences of these rapid developments are difficult to predict, but the technological trends are moving towards the promise. This book attempts to bring out the basic aspects of various communication networks.

The contents of this book consist of author’s lecture notes on the basics of communication networks, which may not have the regular features of a standard book.

Chapter 1 Introduction of Communication Networks gives an overview and feeling of the communication systems leading to a platform for the later chapters.

Chapter 2 Computer Networks and Reference Models deals with an introduction to the computer networks. Packet switched networks using the OSI reference model is discussed in chapter 2.

Chapter 3 Multiple access communications gives an insight into the various accessing schemes that can be employed in communication systems.

Ethernet concept is introduced in the chapter 4. It is the main backbone of LAN. Other LAN protocols are also discussed in chapter 4 Local area networks.

Chapter 5 Switching Systems gives the overall picture of switches, switching concepts needed in telephone and computer networks.

Sharing of resources in computer networks using scheduling discipline is discussed in chapter 6 Scheduling and Internet. Introduction of Internet, routing, naming, and addressing on the Internet is discussed in chapter 6.

The concept of TCP/IP networks is introduced in chapter 7 TCP/IP Networks.

Wireless is the hottest topic today with tremendous impact on all and is also the least understood of the new technologies. Chapter 8 Wireless Networks deals with some of the basic concepts of wireless networks like WLAN, Bluetooth.

Chapter 9 ATM Networks gives an insight into the ATM networks.

Optical networking has led to the explosive growth of communication networks since 1990. Basic concepts are dealt with in Chapter 10 Optical Networks.

Introduction to the cellular networks is given in the chapter 11 Cellular Telephone Systems.

This book has several features to make it concise, and simple to understand.

 About the author
